you are interesting and funny too
puppets are dopelike
~Ron Bahl "I finally got to see CACTUS PSYCHOSIS... (I looked and looked forever to find the DVD)... You all put a lot of work into
it, and it is a great piece of art... If I was still living in Toronto, I'd be coming out to the movie nights... I hope Carole
is going to continue to make more films... I really enjoyed the movie... Barry J./movie maker -singer/songwriter Really enjoyed movie. As good as Tim Burton visually. Sardonic.
Suffers from lack of plot. Needs a writer. Fred~novelist friend Aug 2011
Finally picked up CD from Sue and settled in for a Movie Afternoon.
As expected, focus on drinking, smoking, getting high not really
my sort of entertainment, but do want to compliment Carol (and her
contributors/hecklers ;-) on a number of things. As always, found
her dolls quite amazing, in particular Woody Allen and Mick Jagger.
Also enjoyed the music, special effects such as the amusement park
(ferris wheel and haunted train ride), and to my surprise, the credits,
which unlike most films, I watched in their entirety.
Reminded me and sent me back to an article I'd recently read in the
Montreal Gazette about city's underground alternative comics scene,
described as 'outlandish / surreal / crazy wild pastiche stories /
hip retro-video-fame-influenced' - and all meant as compliments.
A like minded community perhaps?
Hope everyone doing well.
Gabi Carole's DVD; I gave one copy to Gab. We haven't had a chance to watch more than a few minutes last night, but it looks
wild! Did you do the filming? The camera work looks great. Sue Hey Carole!
I watched your movie on Saturday...
Fantastico! Chris/Beatlesque(Hollywood friend) What a fabulous film! Sorry I took so long to finally watch it. It arrived as I was on my way to Ottawa and I just grabbed
it from the mailbox and stashed it in the car, went to Ottawa for a few days and well, kind of forgot it was there! But enough
of that! I loved it and I will watch it again tomorrow with Dwane and I'll have lots to say and lots of questions about it.
There are so many great scenes.....I love the ferris wheel scene. The dolls, the movement, the sky, all the vantage points
where you see this great sky. I don't know how you did it. Also, the amusement park was great! I suspect you went out and
got stock footage, or something like that. It was really effective. I love the closeups and the scene in the middle of the
highway....And who IS Kirenstein? Very well done. And all those great titles. You like long goodbyes - it shows! Looks to
me like you really know and have fun with the title software. The sound was excellent quality. How'd you do it? I love the
Tom doll. It looks more like him then he does! ~ cousin Renee/movie maker
You all did an amazing job and the characters are excellent. ( I watched the first one when I got home that night)
Can’t wait until #3 is ready. Susan Spagnuolo Hello Carole, I thought I'd let you know I did watch your movie and I did like it. I particularly
liked the way you captured the hot sun for the desert, as well I liked the carnival part. the music was well coordinated
for the film. Robert Keller loved the movie especially the penis part!! ~ Corinne/singer & rock n roll Fanatic BRILLIANT!!! ~ Richard Preston/artist, musician & renaissance man CAROLE,
I THOUGHT THE MOVIE WAS AWESOME! It looked great on the big screen.
There were some dolls there that didn't look familiar. You either disquised them or you were hiding them and brought them
I'm impressed! ~Amber/ local singer- song writer I watched your movie tonight. It was very enjoyable. I loved the mood and ambiance of it, and the sense of humour of the producer
and director. I especially found the music delightful. It enshrouded and complemented your movie perfectly. It was also very
sexy. I'm in love with Pandora. Too bad she's only a doll.....
Well done. Keep making movies and perhaps we'll see you at the Oscars. Hadyn Painter To me it looked like a dream, one scene going into another. My favourite part was the fair with the ferris wheel, rides
and spookhouse. It was very colourful.
I didn't care for the whipping scene, please edit that scene, not for my generation. Stella Artois/artist & poet your second film.../cool film...entertaining,strange,creative and interesting/Mick Love The movie hilarious. we especially liked the carnival scenes seemed so real the quality was excellent. Howie Joskowitz Cactus Psychosis :
we laughed all through it. GREAT WORK babe !!!!
YOU ROCK !!!!!!!!!
Kirkenstein Love, love, loved the movie Carole, the music, the characters, extremely original & very entertaining...and shocking at times
: )
So glad you let me be a part of it, you're a very talented & creative lady...
Michael Bullard/American myspace friend, artist & musician